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Working Together

How I Can Help

Bespoke 1:1 Coaching

How I work

If you would like to work together then the first step is to take the Readiness Questionnaire here. Once you have filled it in I will get in touch with you to book a 20 minute free call where we can chat and see if we might be a good fit.


I work especially well with clients who are honest, curious, openminded, enthusiastic and committed to the process. My ideal clients realise that this is a process and I don't have a magic wand (as much as I wish I did!). At the end of the day this is your life and your journey and it will be your willingness to do the work that will determine your results. I will be honoured to guide and support you every step of the way, but the credit will be all yours when you achieve your goals!


A 3 Session Commitment

I like to start new clients with an initial 3 session commitment. It really is the minimum amount of time required to begin to see or feel any meaningful changes. Each session is up to an hour in length and you will be given homework to do over the following 1-2 weeks. The cost of an individual session covers the 1 hour appointment and 4 weekly support texts/emails so that you are held accountable and we can catch-up/trouble shoot if there are any issues.


Three sessions will usually cover 3 months work together, unless you have specific health needs or a social situation that requires more input. We will discuss this during the 20 minute discovery call.


After the initial 3 sessions then further sessions can be purchased 3 at a time (with a discount) or paid for individually.


Individual session - £95 (1 hour)

Block of 3 sessions - £275 (3 hours in total)


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